Today’s guide goes in-depth and looks at the Bruen Mk9 Best Attachments & Class Setups. We break down weapons stats such as damage, rate of fire, and recoil.
The Bruen Mk9 graced Modern Warfare with the release of Season 3. It is touted as a high accuracy and reliable damage Light Machine Gun.
The guide provides the three most efficient class setups based on the objective of the player. For example, we provide a long-range and a close-range loadout. These are made to fully utilize the weapon’s capabilities.
Without further ado, let’s get into the Bruen Mk9 Best Attachments & Class Setups guide.
Weapon background
The Bruen Mk9 is based on the M249 SAW which has appeared in many past Modern Warfare titles including COD4, MW2, and MW3.
The weapon is and always was known for its fast fire rate with the trade-off of low/medium damage.
Players can unlock the Bruen MK9 by getting 3 kills when the enemy is near smoke using an LMG in 15 different matches.
- Damage: 34 – 24
- Rate of Fire: 759RPM
- Recoil: Vertical(sways to the left slightly)
From the stats above we can see that the Bruen Mk9 will kill in 3 shots if all shots land in the upper torso/ chest area. The weapon has the same rate of fire as the Holger-26. However, it has a slightly higher damage range meaning it has the potential to 3 shot an enemy if all shots land on target.
Best Attachments
The best attachments for the Bruen Mk9 in Modern Warfare are the:
- Bruen 18”0 Para Barrel
- Stippled Grip Tape
- 60 Round NATO 5.56 Mag conversion kit
The Para Barrel combined with the Stippled Grip Tape drastically speeds up the weapons ADS and movement speed.
The 60 Round Mags add a host of benefits to this LMG including advanced ADS speed, sprint to fire, and movement speed. It also drastically speeds up the weapons reload speed which is one of the weapon’s main downfalls.
Best Class Setups
Here are the best loadouts for the Bruen Mk9. We have created 3 loadouts based on different playstyles and objectives. Check it out below.
Class 1 – Super Snappy ADS
The super snappy ADS class does exactly what it says. Makes your ADS speed super fast. Load on the following attachments:
- Para Barrel
- Tac Laser
- Commando Foregrip
- 60 Round Mags
- Stippled Grip Tape

Class Setup
The remainder of the class is geared towards speed and getting around the map super fast.

- Secondary: The Renetti pistol is the Season 3 masterpiece. Have you unlocked it yet?
- Perk 1: Double time as the blue perk to keep you sprinting for longer.
- Perk 2: Hardline to bag you those killstreaks with one less kill.
- Perk 3: Tune-up loads your Field Upgrade quicker. We recommend using Dead Silence in this class.
- Lethal: C4 is a rusher’s life saver. Clear campers from their safe spaces quickly and easily.
- Tactical: Stuns are quickly and easily deployed. Chuck it into a room followed by your C4. KABOOM!
Class 2 – Balanced BRUEN
This Bruen class is an all round balanced class suitable for a lot of different game modes. It works best in Domination. Attach the following to the LMG:
- G.I. Mini Reflex
- Skeleton Stock
- Ranger Grip
- 60 Round Mags
- Stippled Grip Tape

Class Setup
The rest of this Bruen loadout keeps in mind general ability balance to keep it suited to all play-styles.

- Secondary: The Renetti pistol once again because it’s a beast.
- Perk 1: E.O.D is an essential perk if you play objective-based game modes.
- Perk 2: Restock is an underutilized perk. Try it out more.
- Perk 3: Battle-Hardened will save you those extra few seconds of sight you need when capping a flag.
- Lethal: C4 is awesome to use when someone is capping your flag or in the Hardpoint.
- Tactical: Flash the flag or a known rush route to catch your enemies off guard.
Class 3 – Long Range Bruiser
The final class is the long range bruiser class. This class keeps in mind range. The way an LMG should be used, realistically. Load the Bruen with the following attachments:
- Monolithic Suppressor
- XRK Summit 26.8”
- VLK 3.0x Optic
- Commando Foregrip
- Stippled Grip Tape

Class Setup
The remainder of this loadout is geared towards maximum range and it would also be a great Bruen Warzone loadout.

- Secondary: AX-50 Sniper rifle is quick and powerful even in close range.
- Perk 1: E.O.D. will protect you from nade and C4 spam.
- Perk 2: Overkill allows you to tote that Sniper Rifle.
- Perk 3: Amped speeds up your ability to pull your sniper out. So it’s a no brainer.
- Lethal: Plant a claymore on a flank route to stop enemies sneaking up behind you.
- Tactical: The Smoke is great to throw down on the flag before capping it.