Have you found a big brown bear in boxing shorts and red gloves? Well, these are Need for Speed Unbound’s latest collectible items. They only appear when you play online and can’t be found or collected in the story mode.
Every Bear Champ you collect bags you 250 bucks. There’s a total of 100 Bears scattered throughout Lakeshore.
This means that collecting all 100 bears will earn you $250,000. You also get a bonus $2500 for collecting all 100 bears.
Collecting all bears also rewards players with the BMW M4 GTS ’16. In addition to this, players will also be rewarded with samples at each milestone of Bears they have collected. The milestones for collecting bears are as follows: 5, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, and 80 bears.
So now that you have the rundown on what you unlock. Let’s get hunting those bears.
Below you will find a map of each area in Lakeshore accompanied by an image showing you where each Bear is located.
Some bears are located in awkward locations so we provided an image and some extra help to make it easy for you.
If you’re finding the driving effects annoying, try this.
Table of Contents
- Douglas Park Bear Locations
- University Central Bear Locations
- West Brooks Bear Locations
- Rosehill Drive Bear Locations
- Cyrill Heights Bear Locations
- Apolonia District Bear Locations
- Palemore Bear Locations
- Underwood Gardens Bear Locations
- North Oaks Bear Locations
- Griffith Parklands Bear Locations
- Yams Park Bear Locations
- Duncay Bay Bear Locations
- Kennedy Drive Bear Locations
- Kennedy Test Track Bear Locations
- Dupoint View Bear Locations
- Belmont Lake Bear Locations
- Seba Ski Resort Bear Locations
- Lakeshore Quarry Bear Locations
- Jefferson Hills Bear Locations
- Lake Virgil Bear Locations
- Southland Drive Bear Locations
- Edgewater Bear Locations
Bear Champ Locations Need for Speed Unbound All Maps
Douglas Park Bear Locations
Below is a map of the 6 Bears in Douglas Park.

Douglas Park Bear Location 1
The first bear in Douglas Park is located in the small car park area just south of the Douglas Park safehouse.

Douglas Park Bear Location 2
This little dude is hanging out in the baseball park.

Douglas Park Bear Location 3
The third bear in Douglas park is standing on top of the ramp over the green area.

Douglas Park Bear Location 4
The fourth bear in Douglas park is sipping some coffee under the umbrellas.

Douglas Park Bear Location 5
It’s just standing casually on the sidewalk lol.

Douglas Park Bear Location 6
The last bear is chillin on the promenade.

University Central Bear Locations
Here is a map of the 7 Bears located in the University Central area.

University Central Bear Location 1
This bear is ballin in his crib in the hills.

University Central Bear Location 2
The second bear in University Central is hiding down an alleyway.

University Central Bear Location 3
Yet another bear hiding in a car park.

University Central Bear Location 4
This guy is hiding under the shade of the trees.

University Central Bear Location 5
The fifth bear is hanging out at the bus stop.

University Central Bear Location 6
Another bear hiding in an alleyway at University Central.

University Central Bear Location 7
Finally, bear number 7 is standing on the footpath just under the rail bridge.

West Brooks Bear Locations
Below is a map of the Bear location in West Brook. Yes, there is only one bear in West Brooks.

West Brooks Bear Location 1
There’s only one bear in West Brooks. You’ll find it hiding between the stacks of wooden planks.

Rosehill Drive Bear Locations
Here is a map of the three bears located in the Rosehill Drive area of Lakeshore.

Rosehill Drive Bear Location 1
This bear is close to the Rosehill safehouse.

Rosehill Drive Bear Location 2
Bear number 2 is hiding in the car park of a transport company.

Rosehill Drive Bear Location 3
Bear 3 is hiding near the dammed river. You’ll see the ramp down to it or fly off the side if you’re feeling wild. Just be careful not to drive too fast as you may land in the water.

Cyrill Heights Bear Locations
Below is a map showing the 1 bear location in Cyrill Heights.

Cyrill Heights Bear Location 1
The Cyrill Heights bear is on the rail track above the road. You’ll have to first take the ramp nearby to get onto the track.

Once you’re on the track it’s only a short drive to the bear.

Apolonia District Bear Locations
There are three bears located in Apolonia District. Below is a map showing all the locations.

Apolonia District Bear Location 1
The first bear in Apolonia is just off the bridge.

Apolonia District Bear Location 2
The second bear is hiding down an alleyway next to some apartments.

Apolonia District Bear Location 3
The final bear in Apolonia is standing right at the junction.

Palemore Bear Locations
There are three bears located in Palemore. Check out the map below for their locations.

Palemore Bear Location 1
The first bear in Palemore is on the rail track above the road. You need to drive around to the nearest garage and you”ll find a ramp next to it. Take the ramp onto the track.

Once you’re onto the track, turn left and drive down to the bear.

Palemore Bear Location 2
Bear 2 is in the middle of the two streets, you have to take the stairs down to get to this one.

Palemore Bear Location 3
Once again, a bear hiding in a car park. This time he was too lazy to go into the car park so he was standing at the entrance.

Underwood Gardens Bear Locations
Here is a map showing the 3 bear locations in Underwood Gardens.

Underwood Gardens Bear Location 1
The first bear in Underwood Gardens is hiding in an underground car park. You need to take the stairs down for this one.

Underwood Gardens Bear Location 2
Bear 2 is just off a bend next to some crates and trucks.

Underwood Gardens Bear Location 3
Bear 3 is chilling by the sea.

Underwood Gardens Bear Location 4
The final near in Underwood Gardens is sitting at the edge of the promenade just next to the Ferris wheel.

North Oaks Bear Locations
North Oaks has 4 bears. Check out the map below to find them all.

North Oaks Bear Location 1
The first bear in North Oaks is hiding in a half pipe just off the side of the road.

North Oaks Bear Location 2
This bear is under a small sheltered area.

North Oaks Bear Location 3
This is the second bear to be found in the middle of the baseball park.

North Oaks Bear Location 4
The final bear is standing in front of a We Are United sign.

Griffith Parklands Bear Locations
Below you will find the three bear locations in Griffith Parklands.

Griffith Parklands Bear Location 1
The first bear in Griffith Parklands is chilling down by the lake.

Griffith Parklands Bear Location 2
The second bear is in a field near an electricity pylon.

Griffith Parklands Bear Location 3
The third bear is on a footbridge so you have to drive off the road to get to it.

Yams Park Bear Locations
Yams Park has a total of 7 bears. Check out the map below to find them.

Yams Park Bear Location 1
The first Yams Park bear is located next to a blue and green house.

Yams Park Bear Location 2
The second bear is standing in front of a burnt-out van.

Yams Park Bear Location 3
This bear requires a bit of offroading to get to.

Yams Park Bear Location 4
This guy is hiding near a factory next to the water.

Yams Park Bear Location 5
Once again, a bear hiding in a car park.

Yams Park Bear Location 6
And again, there’s too many bears in car parks in this game!

Yams Park Bear Location 7
Number 7 of Yams Park is hiding in an electricity center.

Duncay Bay Bear Locations
Here is a map of Duncan Bay and its 4 bear locations.

Duncay Bay Bear Location 1
The first Duncan Bay bear is hidden in a scrapyard.

Duncay Bay Bear Location 2
The second bear is hiding under a barn shelter just off the road.

Duncay Bay Bear Location 3
This guy is relaxing next to a tractor.

Duncay Bay Bear Location 4
You’ll have to drive up a slight ramp to get this bear.

Kennedy Drive Bear Locations
Below is a map of the 4 bear locations in Kennedy Drive.

Kennedy Drive Bear Location 1
The first bear of Kennedy Drive is hiding between two mobile homes.

Kennedy Drive Bear Location 2
Get ready to go offroad, this guy is hiding out in a barn in the hills.

Kennedy Drive Bear Location 3
Be careful with this one, it’s on the road level with the bridge, not under.

Kennedy Drive Bear Location 4
The final Kennedy Drive bear is hiding next to two water tanks.

Kennedy Test Track Bear Locations
Below is a map of the 6 bear locations in Kennedy Test Track.

Kennedy Test Track Bear Location 1
The first bear is standing next to a lake.

Kennedy Test Track Bear Location 2
The second bear in Kennedy Test Track is hiding in a factory.

Kennedy Test Track Bear Location 3
This bear is standing in the middle of an electricity pylon.

Kennedy Test Track Bear Location 4
You’ll have to drive onto the test track and smash through the barrier to get at this one.

Kennedy Test Track Bear Location 5
You have to drive up the steps to get this bear.

Kennedy Test Track Bear Location 6
The last bear in the Kennedy Test Track is hiding down a dirt track.

Dupoint View Bear Locations
Here is a map of the 5 bear locations in Dupoint View.

Dupoint View Bear Location 1
The first bear in Dupoint is hiding under a sheltered area next to some factories.

Dupoint View Bear Location 2
This guy is standing on a bridge. Be careful when finding this one, you can easily drive on the wrong road. Just make sure you’re on the highest bypass.

Dupoint View Bear Location 3
The third bear in Dupoint is hiding among the hay bails.

Dupoint View Bear Location 4
Bear 4 is just off the road taking shelter from the sun.

Dupoint View Bear Location 5
The final bear is hiding behind the Santee Lake sign.

Belmont Lake Bear Locations
Here is a map of the 2 bear locations in Belmont Lake.

Belmont Lake Bear Location 1
For the first bear in Belmont Lake, you’ll have to go offroad. But not too far from the main road.

Belmont Lake Bear Location 2
This bear is near the Belmont Lake safehouse.

Seba Ski Resort Bear Locations
Seba Ski Resort has 8 bear locations scattered throughout the area. Check out the map below.

Seba Ski Resort Bear Location 1
The first bear in Seba Ski resort is hiding among the blue umbrellas.

Seba Ski Resort Bear Location 2
The second bear is taking shelter near some portaloos.

Seba Ski Resort Bear Location 3
The third bear is next to a factory.

Seba Ski Resort Bear Location 4
Bear number 4 is tucked away just off the bridge.

Seba Ski Resort Bear Location 5
The fifth bear is in the forest at the back of the garage.

Seba Ski Resort Bear Location 6
This bear is chilling at a little cold drinks stand.

Seba Ski Resort Bear Location 7
The Seba Ski Resorts’ 7th bear is just off the road hiding in the grass.

Seba Ski Resort Bear Location 8
The eighth and final bear is tucked in between some cars.

Lakeshore Quarry Bear Locations
There are 6 bears located in Lakeshore Quarry. Check out the map below.

Lakeshore Quarry Bear Location 1
Look out for the yellow footbridge to find this one.

Lakeshore Quarry Bear Location 2
All these bears are on hills in the quarry areas.

Lakeshore Quarry Bear Location 3
This bear is actually inside one of the quarry domes.

Lakeshore Quarry Bear Location 4
The fourth bear in Lakeshore Quarry is hiding around a factory.

Lakeshore Quarry Bear Location 5
Bear number 5 is tucked away near some crates.

Lakeshore Quarry Bear Location 6
The final bear in Lakeshore Quarry requires a little offroading to find.

Jefferson Hills Bear Locations
Below is a map of the 6 bear locations in Jefferson Hills.

Jefferson Hills Bear Location 1
Bear number 1 in Jefferson Hills is just off the highway.

Jefferson Hills Bear Location 2
Look out for the small garage and American flag to find this one.

Jefferson Hills Bear Location 3
The third bear of Jefferson Hills is hiding under a half pipe.

Jefferson Hills Bear Location 4
As you cruise the canyons of Jefferson Hills look out for a small scrapped area on the corner.

Jefferson Hills Bear Location 5
He’s perched on top of the mound next to the cement truck.

Jefferson Hills Bear Location 6
The final bear is chillin on the mud hill.

Lake Virgil Bear Locations
There are 5 bear locations in Lake Virgil. Check out the map below to find them.

Lake Virgil Bear Location 1
You’ll need to head around the back of the garage to find the first bear in Lake Virgil.

Lake Virgil Bear Location 2
This bear is hiding at the back of a factory, next to a lake.

Lake Virgil Bear Location 3
The third Lake Virgil bear is tucked between two buildings.

Lake Virgil Bear Location 4
Look for the small trailer park just off the main road.

Lake Virgil Bear Location 5
This is probably the most hidden bear. It’s so hidden you can’t actually see him.

Southland Drive Bear Locations
There are 2 bears located in Southland Drive. Use the map to find them in seconds.

Southland Drive Bear Location 1
The first Southland Drive bear hiding between a trailer and a wall.

Southland Drive Bear Location 2
The second and last bear is hiding under the bridge.

Edgewater Bear Locations
Leave the best til last. There are a total of 10 bears located in Edgewater.

Edgewater Bear Location 1
The first Edgewater bear is hiding in the archway.

Edgewater Bear Location 2
Most of the bears in this area are hiding within factories.

Edgewater Bear Location 3
This little guy is hiding between the crates.

Edgewater Bear Location 4
Bear number 4 is tucked away under the arch.

Edgewater Bear Location 5
This guy is not hiding but just casually chilling on the path.

Edgewater Bear Location 6
You’ll have to take the small ramp up to this guy.

Edgewater Bear Location 7
The 7th bear in Edgewater is underneath the road.

Edgewater Bear Location 8
You can’t even see this bear, you can only make out his shape.

Edgewater Bear Location 9
The ninth bear is standing on top of a hill.

Edgewater Bear Location 10
The last and final bear in Edgewater is hiding under a half pipe.